Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Billion Modem Tech Support - #1-888-676-4496 Number

Billion Modem Customer Services- 

If you facing some kind of problem regarding your Billion Modem like Configuration issues , password problem , network or speed problem so don't get panic we are here to help you just let us know that what type of problem you are facing and then we will sort out your problem. But now we providing a scenario for Cable Setup Hope it would be help you.

Billion Cable Setup-----

Connect a phone cable from the Line or Wall Socket port on the ADS L splutter to the telephone port on your wall.

Connect a phone cable from the ADS L Modem port on the splutter to the DSL port on the back of the Billion router.

NOTE: Ensure that your cable is less than 3 meters long: longer cables can affect the performance of your service.

If you are not configuring Node-phone, connect the telephone to the Local Phone port on the ADS L splutter.

for more info visit here - Billion Modem Customer Care    OR you can contact us on our toll free number - #1-888-676-4496 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Billion Modem Tech Support 1-888-676-4496 Number

Billion Modem Technical Support 1-888-676-4496 Number
If you facing some kind of problem like Configuration issues , password problem , network or speed problem so don't get panic we are here to help you just let us know that what type of problem you are facing and then we will sort out your problem. But now we providing a scenario for Cable Setup Hope it would be help you.

Billion Cable Setup-----
Connect a phone cable from the Line or Wall Socket port on the ADS L splutter to the telephone port on your wall.
Connect a phone cable from the ADS L Modem port on the splutter to the DSL port on the back of the Billion router.

NOTE: Ensure that your cable is less than 3 meters long: longer cables can affect the performance of your service.
If you are not configuring Node-phone, connect the telephone to the Local Phone port on the ADS L splutter.
Instant Resolution Relief by Certified Technicians
No longer wait
Accessing Billion Modem device By RAS (remote access system)
Technical Services are less Steeper.
We are always 24*7 there for you , you can contact us anytime from anywhere we would be happy to help you.
Billion Modem Customer Suppport Number / Billion Modem Customer Help Desk Number - 1-888-676-4496

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Billion Modem Tech Support

Billion Modem Technical Support 1-888-676-4496 Customer care Number
Factory Default Settings for the Billion BiPAC 7402GX modem modem

Type your Username:admin
Type your Password:admin
Type your IP Address:
Type your SSID:wlan-ap

Accessing Billion Modem device By RAS (remote access system)
Technical Services are less Steeper.We are always 24*7 there for you , you can contact us anytime from anywhere we would be happy to help you.Billion Modem Customer Care Number / Billion Modem Customer Help Desk Number - 1-888-676-4496 called an IP Address).for more info you can contact us our Billion Modem Tech Support team by calling with this number - 1-888-676-4496
Billion Modem Customer Care Number / Billion Modem Customer Help Desk Number - 1-888-676-4496